Včerajšia správa o zatknutí Adama Johnsona za sex s maloletou školáčkou obletel celý futbalový svet.
Bývalého hráča Manchestru City už vedenie Sunderlandu suspendovalo. Na internete sa okamžite začalo šíriť obrovské množstvo reakcií. Pozrite si výber tých najlepších.
When you see a hot 15 year old girl https://t.co/12LvaFhzgp
— Troll Football (@Troll__Football) March 2, 2015
BREAKING: Adam Johnson heat map revealed. pic.twitter.com/sBYZtL7qCs
— Transfer Sources (@TransferSources) March 2, 2015
Adam Johnson has been grilled by social media, but this is funny mursh https://t.co/7i506mlRzW
— salex (@AlexLock_) March 3, 2015
That Moment When You try and work out how Adam Johnson could allegedly cheat on his missus Stacey Flounders. pic.twitter.com/FLZ9Lgj2pl
— Just Football (@JustFutball) March 3, 2015
Haha pic.twitter.com/F3q6C3E8jp
— Football Trolls (@Footballltrolls) March 3, 2015
Starring Adam Johnson pic.twitter.com/uSpf3FC9tz
— Epic Football (@TheEpicFootball) March 2, 2015