Futbalisti Liverpoolu mali výborné rozbehnutí včerajší finálový zápas Ligy Majstrov.
Real Madrid takmer k ničomu nepustili, no potom prišlo zranenie Mohameda Salaha. Od toho momentu sa všetko zmenilo.
Fanúšikovia tak teraz polemizujú, či tam náhodou nebol úmysel španielskeho obrancu zámerne Egypťana zraniť.
Futbal niekedy ukáže krajšiu a inokedy zasa svoju škaredšiu tvár. Verím však, že sme naďalej priatelia. Veľa šťastia Salah!
, napísal Sergio Ramos na Twitteri.
Podľa najnovších informácii z tábora Egypta by mal Salah stihnúť Majstrovstvá Sveta v Rusku.
His tears tells it all ! 😭😭 pic.twitter.com/b26sxzEFrD
— Football Tweets (@FutballTweets) May 26, 2018
How Liverpool fans saw *that* tackle by Sergio Ramos pic.twitter.com/bBv9aQrHfz
— B/R Football (@brfootball) May 27, 2018
Blaming Ramos is ridiculous. Salah clearly locked arms first. Just bad luck pic.twitter.com/AWw9Yi9BK5
— Mark Goldbridge (@markgoldbridge) May 27, 2018
A sad way for Salah's season to finish 😢#UCLfinal pic.twitter.com/6v2Y0MKNBe
— #UCLfinal (@ChampionsLeague) May 26, 2018
— FIFA World Cup 🏆 (@FIFAWorldCup) May 26, 2018
Great sportsmanship by @Cristiano Ronaldo🙌🏻
Get well soon, @MoSalah! pic.twitter.com/EyeX7DqOyx
“What happened to Salah is sad, you never want to see that happen but with that being said I have no guilt, he locked arms with me first and after that there was nothing I can do. People complaining about it have never kicked a ball in their life”
— Footy Jokes (@Footy_JokesOG) May 27, 2018
- Sergio Ramos 🗣 pic.twitter.com/QAJ7zHjFuj
Salah 💔 pic.twitter.com/EXM1EALQ7b
— Footy Jokes (@Footy_JokesOG) May 26, 2018
That's what Sergio Ramos calls a job well done 👀❌#UCLFinal pic.twitter.com/jEtxO9jtTI
— ShotOnGoal (@shotongoal247) May 26, 2018